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What Makes Compass Languages Different?

At Compass Languages, our custom globalization solutions set us apart by offering more than just language services; we provide tailored strategies that address the unique challenges of each enterprise. What makes us different is our unwavering passion for solving the toughest problems in the industry. We don’t just translate; we innovate, crafting solutions that integrate seamlessly into our clients’ global strategies. Our dedication to understanding the complexities of diverse markets and our commitment to delivering precision and efficiency in every project ensure that our clients can confidently expand their reach worldwide. At Compass, we’re not just a service provider—we’re a partner in your global success.

smiling group of diverse workers

Language Solutions

Our clients experience a truly “bespoke” localization process. We tailor translation, voiceover, interpretation, and transcription services according to each individual client’s needs. Our team of over 2,700 language specialists and engineers get to work, immediately localizing your documents, video, multimedia, eLearning, and text-to-speech accurately and efficiently. Our ISO 9001:2015 certified system ensures outstanding results. Done right, the first time!

International NGO

An international NGO’s ability to establish credibility depends on their ability to simply listen to their constituents, to be understood by those they are serving, and to communicate effectively with those funding their programmes.
We have over 20 years of experience providing best-in-class dialect interpretation and translation – content truly localized.

watching eLearning on laptop

eLearning Solutions

Compass Languages and a dedicated group of eLearning specialists branded as Global eLearning, are experts in Learning & Development solutions. We understand that tremendous time and resources are often devoted to creating source content for effective training, compliance, learning, and development. With so much time spent on the source content, we understand the importance of ensuring that the original intended message, the desired outcome, and any compliance issues are effectively delivered to the global audience in a way that is best suited for them to learn, retain, and engage with this content. No other language service provider is dedicated to the unique needs of the Learning & Development industry.

knob selecting different countries

Fast Accurate Translation

Compass Languages is an industry leader in adapting content for global audiences in the fastest and most accurate way possible. Our business’s core is a unique proprietary process called Authentic Localization™ that allows us to quickly and effectively translate and localize learning and development content for consumption in over 200 languages and dialects. We understand that training, learning, and educating are most effective when students learn in their own native language. More importantly, we understand that our clients need this content turned around quickly and accurately.

Compass Languages

147 Old Solomons Island Rd, #302
Annapolis, MD 21401

European Inquiries
Contact Sarah Quirke +353-90-661-6074

Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM